Dear Joanna;
Almost forgot, about why I didn't take any pictures- I tried to take some, but my camera isn't working. It keeps saying the memory card has a problem. Is it full or something? I'm so aggravated with it. I had so many pictures to show you and I wanted to change the background... so you could see my ugly plastic hangers. Haha
Saturday, January 22nd
Today wasn't so bad. I got up at 11. What the hell? It means I've slept about 10-11 hours. Shit. I need to put myself on a better sleep schedule.I went to Flushing and got my new phone. I got a texting phone, baby~ Just wait til I get a texting plan. I will start bothering everyone I know with stupid texts. I wish I could take pictures for you~ The camera on my new phone sucks. I also get 4 months of Internet, (some kind of trial), so let's see if it makes me update this blog more...
So the rest of the day was a family day, and you don't know about these, so let me explain. When my dad takes a day off and me and my siblings have no school, we'll all out go to Flushing for grocery shopping and whatnot. After getting my phone, we went grocery shopping. So me and my brother and sister toss a bunch of snacks in the cart like usual, and then we went to Costco- the one by Century 21. I thought of you and wondered how you were when I was there. :) Great, now I'm crazy about those emoticons.
The one thing I hate about these days is that we go in the car. I get carsick SO BAD. I wanted to play video games when I got home, but I had a massive headache so I just watched TV.... Wow and not much happened.
Oh, I got my Allure magazine~ My subscription's ending in April, I think? I'm not renewing. Sick and tired of these magazines because most of their stuff is one big advertisement. The advice is always the same, and the 'editor's favorites' are chosen by the beauty companies who pay to have their products on that page. Only some stuff is trustworthy, like that one article I read about Coty Airpsun Face Powder, which really works, and is great. (But it's a pretty old and hard to find product, so I don't think the company paid for it? I don't know) The only thing I'm renewing is 17 magazine because as stupid as it is sometimes, it makes me laugh and is really fun to read. I love reading the romance section~ I am dying for a romance, but at the same time, I don't want one.
I want to fall in love because I consider it the best feeling in the world, but at the same time, I'm too messed up to be in a functional relationship. I would be clingy or whiny or dependent. Right now I can't handle it. Also, I've had my fortune told, and according to Chinese people, this is pretty accurate (the fortunes are all in this one book) and it says that this year, I will fall madly in love but the guy will think of me as just a friend. HOW CRUSHING IS THAT? Oh, and I'd be very studious. Like I care! I don't want my heart broken again. Wait for it, Joanna, I'm going to be writing long letters soon about this perfect guy that I've just met in my class. *sigh*
OK, and then I had my fortune told again. My aunt and mom did it first, and it was pretty accurate, so when it came to my turn, I got the most disappointing love thing ever: I will be torn between two guys: One of them is my dream guy, the kind of guy I am naturally attracted to: He's charming, social, easy to talk to, outgoing, basically, all the stuff I'm not and he talks sweet bullshit to me and I buy everything he says. The other guy is someone like me, quiet, saves his money, works hard (that's not like me, though... haha) and I will find him kind of boring. The thing is, boring guy loves me a lot and will be the best marriage match for me. If I marry boring guy, the marriage will last a long time and be nice and I'll grow to like him. Bullshitter would make it clear that he is settling for me, and I would take the chance because I love his sorry ass and I am so attracted to him. But the marriage won't be so great because he thinks he can do better and I would probably be trying to match his standards.
What can I do but refuse both guys? I don't want a relationship where the love is so unequal, you know? Someone who loves me more than I love him or someone who doesn't love me as much as I love him?
So I will end up alone, bitter, with maybe a fabulous career but a shit love life and a string of crappy affairs. I was seriously so disappointed, but now I'm not going to take this so seriously. I can change my life and I will. I will fall madly in love with boring guy and kick bullshitter in the face. It's going to work, for realz. The reason why I think this fortune is so real is because I don't even understand it. It's based on a bunch of Chinese stuff like the hour and year you were born, and some other stuff. Also, my mom's is scarily accurate. It predicted that my mom will marry someone just like my dad.
Haha, but no fortune is set in stone. Things change and you make better decisions and even if today is shit, tomorrow's another day, another chance to start over.
Love, Wendy. it's so late... crap.
Sunday, January 23, 2011
Catching up
Dear Joanna;
I'm trying to catch up on my blog posts and this is kinda as far back as I can remember:
Friday, January 21st
I stayed over at my cousin Ling's house in Flushing for five days last week, so I've been trying to enjoy spending time at home. I want to spend the entire day at home, but I've been out every single say. The day before this I went out to the bank to open my bank account because Ling told me the gov't sends you financial aid faster if they can send it to your bank account. ? I have no idea how this works.
I wanted to stay home all day, but my mom suggested I try going to Aerosoles again to return my stupid boots. I was like, fine, whatever. Guess what. I got there, and I STILL COULD NOT RETURN IT. I was beyond pissed. It was all because my cousin paid for me with her credit card since I didn't have enough money with me. I needed the credit card to return. I know, it was stupid, why didn't I just ask the guy if I needed the card to return the last time I went there? I am someone who likes to push my luck, and I assumed it would work anyway, because sometimes the people there are nice and let you. Nope, no such luck.
It was terrible. I was so incredibly frustrated and angry, but had to bottle it up. I wanted to throw the boots through the doors, that's how bad it was. So I pushed down my anger like I always do and took the bus home. Only, the anger came out as sadness and I started crying because I thought, "Why the hell can't I do anything right? I'm so stupid at doing things normal people do." And it's true, too. I'm only good at living in my own little world. Even worse, it was just a string of bad days that felt like the world acting against me. I couldn't stop crying, so I didn't go home right away. I went to the library, and finally calmed down. I wasn't angry or crying, just very still.
As soon as I got home, it blew up in front of me, of course. My mom started lecturing me about how I was being stupid, of course you need the credit card, and I just didn't want to hear it, you know? I went into my bathroom, the only place in the house I really feel calm, and sat down and cried some more. But crying is annoying for me, because I tell myself I'm stupid for wasting time with it. I went downstairs to do some exercise, take my mind off everything. I read one of my favorite books instead of going on the computer and slept early. It wasn't an easy day, but well, I think my usual method of pushing it all down and distracting myself worked, don't you?
God, now I'm making sick jokes about it. I'm sick and tired of going out. I just want to stay home, where nothing really bad happens.
Love, Wendy
I'm trying to catch up on my blog posts and this is kinda as far back as I can remember:
Friday, January 21st
I stayed over at my cousin Ling's house in Flushing for five days last week, so I've been trying to enjoy spending time at home. I want to spend the entire day at home, but I've been out every single say. The day before this I went out to the bank to open my bank account because Ling told me the gov't sends you financial aid faster if they can send it to your bank account. ? I have no idea how this works.
I wanted to stay home all day, but my mom suggested I try going to Aerosoles again to return my stupid boots. I was like, fine, whatever. Guess what. I got there, and I STILL COULD NOT RETURN IT. I was beyond pissed. It was all because my cousin paid for me with her credit card since I didn't have enough money with me. I needed the credit card to return. I know, it was stupid, why didn't I just ask the guy if I needed the card to return the last time I went there? I am someone who likes to push my luck, and I assumed it would work anyway, because sometimes the people there are nice and let you. Nope, no such luck.
It was terrible. I was so incredibly frustrated and angry, but had to bottle it up. I wanted to throw the boots through the doors, that's how bad it was. So I pushed down my anger like I always do and took the bus home. Only, the anger came out as sadness and I started crying because I thought, "Why the hell can't I do anything right? I'm so stupid at doing things normal people do." And it's true, too. I'm only good at living in my own little world. Even worse, it was just a string of bad days that felt like the world acting against me. I couldn't stop crying, so I didn't go home right away. I went to the library, and finally calmed down. I wasn't angry or crying, just very still.
As soon as I got home, it blew up in front of me, of course. My mom started lecturing me about how I was being stupid, of course you need the credit card, and I just didn't want to hear it, you know? I went into my bathroom, the only place in the house I really feel calm, and sat down and cried some more. But crying is annoying for me, because I tell myself I'm stupid for wasting time with it. I went downstairs to do some exercise, take my mind off everything. I read one of my favorite books instead of going on the computer and slept early. It wasn't an easy day, but well, I think my usual method of pushing it all down and distracting myself worked, don't you?
God, now I'm making sick jokes about it. I'm sick and tired of going out. I just want to stay home, where nothing really bad happens.
Love, Wendy
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
So today I wasted my time...
Wednesday, January 19th 2011
So I wake up today at 1 PM and I'm like 'Oh, shit, it's the afternoon already?' Yeah, I slept about 11 hours. I was really tired from yesterday; took my grandma to the doctor and waited over three hours and that was ALL I did. Thinking about this pisses me off again.
OK, so today: I ate breakfast. It was already 2:30 by the time breakfast was over, so since my day seemed like a lost cause, I decided to go to Queens Center to return my Aerosoles boots since I found better ones in Macy's. Will have to take lots of pictures for you tomorrow, Joanna; I love those boots.
Just taking the time out of my day to go there was a waste of time. The computer was down, and the guy was like, 'Oh, you should come back tomorrow around 4' I felt like he was testing me to see if I really wanted to return these boots or what. Does he think I'll forget and decide to just keep the boots? I want my money back, asshole. Now I have to make another freaking trip there? I swear, if I go back and the computer's still down, I will NEVER shop at Aerosoles again, not even for those totally cute purple maryjane heels that are on sale for $30.... Or maybe I will just make one more purchase and that's it! Haha, I can't even take my own threats seriously.
I tried calling you, Joanna, to ask if you knew where the store that sells NYX stuff is, but you never answered so then I went to Rite Aid, where they had my St. Ives Apricot Scrub on sale and I also tossed in some Lays potato chips since I love them and then I looked at the new Physician's Formula blush and oh my god it's so CUTE. I WANT it. I hate you for starting my makeup addiction.
LOOK AT IT! It's so cute! I want it!!! Um, anyway...
Nothing much happened, played some video games~ That's my zen garden in Plants vs Zombies. You gotta show me how you play because I think the game is pretty easy.
I will try to take pictures of all my clothes tomorrow, since I plan to stay home ALL day... except maybe I'll pop out to Michaels to see if they're selling anything I could use for a present. It's my baby cousin's b-day on the 24th, you know?
Goodnight; I'm going to sleep early and get up early! I'm serious! Kind of.
So I wake up today at 1 PM and I'm like 'Oh, shit, it's the afternoon already?' Yeah, I slept about 11 hours. I was really tired from yesterday; took my grandma to the doctor and waited over three hours and that was ALL I did. Thinking about this pisses me off again.
OK, so today: I ate breakfast. It was already 2:30 by the time breakfast was over, so since my day seemed like a lost cause, I decided to go to Queens Center to return my Aerosoles boots since I found better ones in Macy's. Will have to take lots of pictures for you tomorrow, Joanna; I love those boots.
Just taking the time out of my day to go there was a waste of time. The computer was down, and the guy was like, 'Oh, you should come back tomorrow around 4' I felt like he was testing me to see if I really wanted to return these boots or what. Does he think I'll forget and decide to just keep the boots? I want my money back, asshole. Now I have to make another freaking trip there? I swear, if I go back and the computer's still down, I will NEVER shop at Aerosoles again, not even for those totally cute purple maryjane heels that are on sale for $30.... Or maybe I will just make one more purchase and that's it! Haha, I can't even take my own threats seriously.
I tried calling you, Joanna, to ask if you knew where the store that sells NYX stuff is, but you never answered so then I went to Rite Aid, where they had my St. Ives Apricot Scrub on sale and I also tossed in some Lays potato chips since I love them and then I looked at the new Physician's Formula blush and oh my god it's so CUTE. I WANT it. I hate you for starting my makeup addiction.
LOOK AT IT! It's so cute! I want it!!! Um, anyway...
Nothing much happened, played some video games~ That's my zen garden in Plants vs Zombies. You gotta show me how you play because I think the game is pretty easy.
I will try to take pictures of all my clothes tomorrow, since I plan to stay home ALL day... except maybe I'll pop out to Michaels to see if they're selling anything I could use for a present. It's my baby cousin's b-day on the 24th, you know?
Goodnight; I'm going to sleep early and get up early! I'm serious! Kind of.
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