Sunday, October 30, 2011

This is why I hate pressed powders

I prefer using a loose powder on the face just because I think it looks more natural than pressed powder and plus I think whatever they use to make the powder stick together like that would probably wind up making my face oilier.

But I went against my bias to try out a pressed bronzer and look what happened:

Totally smashed bronzer 
I dropped it!!! My heart practically stopped for a whole second, and makeup is the hardest thing to clean off the floor. The stupid pigment clings to the floor. Had to wash my hands twice after cleaning up.

This just proves my theory that loose powder is better. I don't need to worry as much about dropping it because the worst thing is, maybe I'll lose a bit of powder. Whatever.

I'm protecting my translucent powder now. I'm going to smash it and put it in a jar with a sifter so my heart doesn't have to go through the trauma again.

Don't worry, I won't let you die too.

1 comment:

  1. Hi Wendy!

    I wasn't sure how else to contact you. I used to read AFountainPen's Settling the Score. And I was really upset about it being pulled off the internet by HPFF. I was trying to track it down today and I saw a forum post by you saying you had the whole thing!

    Do you still have a copy of Settling the Score? If you do, could I have it by email maybe? You could send it to ... I'd really appreciate it!
