I know it's been forever, but I got stuck in this vortex of school and procrastination. :( But so far everything's going OK. Not much is happening, just time slowly ticking by. I managed to make some new friends, haven't seen my old friends and totally repulsed this guy! Oh my god, it was both hilarious and crushing to see how much this guy DIDN'T want to talk to me, even though we were sitting next to each other in the lab. I offered him a pencil, (He was furiously scribbling with his pen, trying to get it to work, and I was like WHAT IS THAT HORRIBLE SOUND?) and he was the least grateful person I've ever met. Oh well. Hopefully we're not sitting next to each other next time. I was actually sad, because usually I sit next to this really funny girl, and this stupid guy took her seat instead. : (
Anyway, this post is titled "My Wall" and it's because... I want to show you my wall! You know how I have this blank wall by my desk? I put a poster of Taylor Lautner up on it for a while? Yeah, I took it down because it was getting boring. And then I put up a huge collage of... stuff. Haha. I cut out a bunch of stuff I like from magazines, put up some pictures:
So that's the entire collage. You can see I have real photos surrounding it, some pictures by my little cousins, and even your halloween card! They surround the collage, which I made way before I decided to put other stuff around it.
Here's a closeup of the collage:
Here's a close-up of some really old pictures of me: In the left picture, I look super nerdy and like I haven't changed much. I'm in sixth grade there, I think. In the right picture, I'm like five or six. I know, I looked so cute when I was little. WHAT HAPPENED? Haha. And that's my sister next to me, holding the bear. (Sorry, there's a weird reflection on the picture. You can see my green cabinet on the left and me in a purple bathrobe on the right!)
OK, so another thing I did is get a glue gun. I feel like a real arts n crafts person now that I have a glue gun. So what did I do? I went crazy and glued a bunch of plastic stars to my desk. Haha. Here's two pictures. You can see that I try to use the stars to hang stuff, like my gorgeous new headband, only $2.50 at Club Monaco. Can you believe they charge $29 originally? For rhinestones and ribbon?
Before I go, just wanted to show you my brand new patent leather nude pumps. I know they're not tall enough for you, but I'm out of practice wearing heels,and I found even these really uncomfortable. Actually, I wore them out for about an hour, and it made two cuts in both my feet. Showering that night was like an acrobatic routine as I tried to keep the water away from my feet. Can you imagine? Even water made those cuts burn like hell. What do you do to prevent foot pain? Suck it up?
No, seriously. How do you hold up against the pain in your feet? My feet are dying here. Ignore me. I've been kind of whiny lately, because there's just so much schoolwork to do. All I want is to play around with makeup. By the way, how do you do your winged eyeliner? I must be doing it wrong, because it always comes out looking stupid on me.
So I'm doing fine. How are you doing? Your birthday's coming up! What do you want? Give me some hints, will you? I won't be mailing your present... Actually, that's cruel. I'll mail a small portion of it, but the entire thing is going to be really heavy because I'm stuffing it with chocolate. Literally. You know how you use bubble wrap? I'm using chocolate as bubble wrap. I'm not sending everything I haven't bought all of it yet. Haha. I don't know what to buy... You have way too much makeup, I don't want to give you more... unless I think it's amazing and you should try it.
God, I can't wait until we go to Sephora together! I'm trying to put together a list of everything I want... and I'm trying to apply for jobs so I won't be broke after it's over. I'm spending quite a lot on drugstore make-up, all to find my holy grails.
Love you, be happy, and be healthy! I hope you made lots of friends!
~Love, Wendy
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