It's time for...
This was an incredible amount of work, mostly because I look like a troll and had to take about 60 pictures to get a handful of ok pictures. I don't think I look that great in any of these, so why am I showing them to you? Because you're going to need a bunch of pictures so you can rotate them and I dunno, choose which one you like best?
So first thing I did was put on make-up, so you can see how good I'm getting. Oh and I timed myself! Just moisturizer, concealer, highlighter and powder took about seven minutes. Boo. I was trying to do all of that AND mascara in five minutes. But then I decided to do eyeshadow and eyeliner, which was a big mistake. I totally messed up the first time and had to take it all off and the second time, I screwed up my right eye. Can you tell in any of these pictures? Probably not, they're too far away.
My bathroom was a mess. At one point, I dropped all my brushes in the sink, so they all got wet. :(
But anyway, onwards! I sat at my desk, because it just felt normal? And by the second picture, I was already goofing off. Haha, imagine what I'm like when I'm working!
I am a huge, huge Glee fan. Can you tell? I do a perfect loser sign. | | | |
I then moved to the bathroom, where I have the best lighting. It's perfect; kinda dark and yellow. I'm sitting on the floor, in case you were wondering.
I'm trying to do the fobby asian pose, so why is my left hand holding up 3 fingers? |
I don't know what I'm doing here, but I look totally funny.
And then I got super pissed, 'cause my pictures were so shitty, so I actually did the mirror pose. I'm kind of ashamed, since I usually make fun of people who do this.
Do I look good? I at least look like a tiny less fat, but otherwise I have this super dumb smile on my face.
At this point, I'm about 40 pictures in, hating myself and feeling hungry so I went out to the kitchen to eat something. What did I eat? You guessed it: crackers.
Oh god this is a bad picture; I'm pissed and hungry. |
But then I got this really cool shot! Or at least I think I look cool, like a Hollywood version of a mob boss? C'mon, I've got the dark lighting, and the slightly pissed off scowl.
So finally, finally I went back to my desk, and took the only decent, realistic shot of me: I don't know how, only that I was really tired of it all and also, people were going to come home soon and see my craptastic photoshoot.
^^^Click for a bigger image!^^^
So that is what I really look like now. I think it's pretty accurate. I'm not smiling, and my nose looks huge. That's totally realistic. I'm unfriendly and have unflattering shadows on my face. Woohoo. One thing I do notice is that my under eye circles are non-existent. Could it be that I'm actually getting good at concealer??? Haha. I messed up on concealer and had to do it again. I tried to blend it in with a fluffy brush like this one girl on youtube did (she made it look flawless) but on me the concealer just forms blobs.
This took about two hours, for makeup and photos, and I'm tired now. And I know these pictures are unflattering, but hey, at least you have some pictures of me, right?
The green shirt I'm wearing is one of my favorites. It's a boatneck that shows off my collarbones, which I love. Other than that, it looks ratty on me. I wear it as pajamas.
Now that I think about it,
I cannot believe I didn't change my shirt.
I'm going to close this with a Sailor Moon picture. You probably didn't know, but I used to be a huge Sailor Moon fan. I watched it in Chinese. Anyway, in this picture the cat was making fun of Sailor Moon and called her Sailor Fatty. It's nice to see I'm not the only one who feels fat.
That's all for now!
I basically used up my whole day on this. Haha; hope you enjoyed. I'm going to take a break from posting. Oh and I'm curious. How long does it take you to take pictures?