Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Brian Jacques

Do you know who this man is? Probably not. He's a writer, one of my childhood favorites. He wrote the Redwall series, which I don't think you've heard of, Joanna. This man wrote some of the most magical stories. I loved reading his books. I lost interest after a couple books, but I always remember how much fun I had reading them. The best part was that I had a really good friend who loved the series too. I don't have many friends that I can talk to about books, so that was a special friendship that I feel Mr. Jacques brought to me. He also inspired me to start writing terrible poetry, and he got me into the fantasy genre.

It's been almost ten years since I first read his books, and just today I found out he died on February 5. I wanted to take the time to thank Mr. Jacques for entertaining and inspiring a little bookworm, and for bringing me another bookworm friend. I love to read, and he really got me into reading.

R.I.P. Brian Jacques

(This is random, but I keep spelling things wrong. I really need some sleep.)

Oh, and I know you didn't ask, but the Redwall series is about... animals... that talk and have wars and act just like people. Haha, sounds weird enough? It's like Lord of the Rings, lots of songs (I never read this book, but this is what I heard) but it's animals. And the stories are epic adventures.
Look how adorable...

Monday, February 14, 2011

Mascara Miracle

I didn't have the best day today at school. I was so thirsty since I accidentally spilled all the water in my bottle all over the floor. I didn't get to buy the Kiss Me Heroine Make Long & Curl Mascara since I saw the price tag ($20? What the hell?!) I thought it was about $12, honestly, and the character on the packaging reminds of a manga character I really love.

Anyway, I was feeling kind of down so I went home and put on make-up. I know this is weird. I wasn't planning to go anywhere. Putting on make-up just makes me feel so relaxed and happy, so when I feel down I put on make-up. So I curled my lashes, and for once, I curled both sides perfectly. Then I put on Maybelline Lash Discovery mascara, fulling expecting it to smear or smudge. I was just like, whatever, don't care. No one's going to see me.

I worked out on the elliptical for about half an hour. I kept on sweating so I knew my mascara was probably smudging like hell. But then I checked my reflection after the work-out in the mirror and...


I don't know if my mascara was perfect because I curled them so my lashes couldn't touch my eyelid and smear or if it was a Valentine's Day miracle. I mean, I didn't even put on a primer. No primer, no powder, and my face was kind of oily.

This just proves that I don't need a boy to be happy. I just need my mascara to stay perfect through a hellish work-out and I will be floating on air.

By the way, I'm back to working out! I skipped last week because I felt so blah (was on my monthly thing) but I'm trying to get back in the swing of things.

So how are you doing, Joanna? I miss you. School's no fun when I can't ignore the professor and talk to you. I love you, hope you're doing well. Love, Wendy

Sunday, February 13, 2011


Finally kept my promise, and took some pictures of my makeup collection and my closet. I tried to take a picture of my dresses to make a background, but it doesn't look that good and the file is too big to upload here. Oh well. I'm still going to show you these pictures.

No pictures of me, only because I feel like crap today. Haven't washed my hair and I have got so much hw to do. *sigh* But let's get onto the pictures!!!


This is my closet. I took two pictures. I know it's a bit messy now, but whatever, it's always messy. So on the right, with my picture of Squidward and the creepy guy, are my tops and bottoms. The very top shelf is t-shirts and tank tops. Second is long sleeve shirts and long pants. Third is foldable tunics and summer pants. Fourth is sweatshirts and stuff I don't like anymore. The drawers I didn't open are filled with underwear and socks, which I didn't want to show. :) On the left is pajamas on the top shelf. The hanging rack is all jackets, unfoldable dresses, cardigans, skirts and dress shirts. Basically, all stuff you can't fold. I need a new organization system. You should tell me your system since mine is such a mess.

Oh, and did you notice I keep some books and makeup there? I can't keep my makeup in the bathroom because someone keeps playing around with it. The Physician's Formula concealer you gave me went bad. :( Someone played with it and squeezed out almost all the product, leaving only weird gray fluid inside. I was really coming around to liking it, too. :( The books are there because I like to read on my bed.

These are all my dresses. I haven't shown all of these to you yet, and some are new. My favorite is the one on top: It's a navy blue top with a bright green skirt. Really cute. The one with the blue floral skirt is also cute. When you visit, I'll definitely wear one to show you.

This is my makeup collection. Actually, I keep some makeup at my desk, so this isn't everything, but this is most of it. It's probably not as big a collection as yours, but I sometimes can't believe how much money I spent on all this stuff. By the way, the only mascara I like here is the asian one you gave me. :( The rest smear on me.

So that's all of my pictures for today. It was a lot of work, but it was so fun! I had to hide it, because I didn't want anyone to know how frivolous I am for taking pictures of my clothes. Haha. I didn't take pictures of my makeup brushes because I just washed most of them today.

Would you want a picture of my sweater rack, filled with sweaters, cardigans, belts and bags? I don't know; it seemed too boring to show you.

So, love you lots, Joanna. Hope you had fun looking. I took more pictures but I'll upload them later.

Love, Wendy

Monday, February 7, 2011

Makeup Review?

Today was another average day at school, and I was waiting for it all to end because I was going makeup shopping afterwards! For some reason, though, I forgot to bring money (?) so I only had enough to buy one lip thing. I bought the Maybelline Superstay 16 Hour Lip Color in 720 Blush:
And it looks like that. The color is kind of accurate, only there it's more of a golden pink in real life. There's a lot of shimmery gold glitter in there.

No, it doesn't last 16 hours. Haha. I ate dinner, so I wasn't expecting it to last through that. But I love the color and the balm it comes with and I can't wait to put it on tomorrow! Also, I tried it out on my hand first and tried to rub it off, but oh my god it's not coming off. I tried putting on lotion and I even took a shower, and it's still there. The mark is faint, but wow. I mean, it lasted through my 20 minute shower.

Ooh, and Joanna, you gotta tell me if you're liking the idea of this because I want to get you one now. The colors are so sheer, and the balm is fantastic.

The best part? Everything, the balm and the lip color SMELLS LIKE STRAWBERRIES AND CREAM. I love the smell of this lip color!

Sunday, February 6, 2011


Why do I write? What can I possibly hope to get out of this kind of time-consuming, frustrating and endless activity? Part of the reason I write is that I know I have talent and I know that if I work hard, I can make it. There are a lot of reasons, but one of the biggest is the drive to create. I wrote this passage way back in December for an English paper, but I think it perfectly describes why I choose to writer, to be creative. 

            How does it feel?
            It’s like suddenly your brain runs in a million different directions. You are obsessed, a person possessed by the need to bring your fantasies to life.
            Creativity is like a match. It ignites something dormant inside.
            You are different, extraordinary and you can do anything.
            Even change the world.

Saturday, February 5, 2011


Back in 11th grade, I remember I went on this crazy exercise plan where I actually used the exercise bike 5-6 times a week, and this actually went on for about five months. I think. It was crazy, the way I was so determined. So then I gave it up, mostly because I got lazy. I did try to keep it up but I went down to 1-2 times a week and then down to nothing. The problem is making that determination to keep it up, because no matter how busy or tired I get, if I really, really wanted to do the exercise, I would make myself go because it's so soothing.

Anyway, this post means that I will try to get back on that plan. It's hard, but it's really worth it. Plus, I'm getting so fast and lazy. I can't go on diets; I love food too much. So I will have to exercise my way there. I'm secretly destroying my skin with all this junk food and late night sleeping, and I hope exercising will bring my skin back to normal. It's looking really... lumpy now.

This post is going to be a reminder to myself that I really want to get into shape, especially when it's spring and I can go running again! Yay! More torture for me... Haha. No, seriously. I want to die when I run. It's so hard to find a place with no people, no cars, and no cracks in the street to trip me. Oh, and getting myself to keep going is a nightmare. Why am I doing this again?


Mission: Hot Body
Progress: Not going so well. Must start tonight.


OK, so I know it's been forever since I updated, but I'm so lazy since I've been going to school. I think I'm just going to update once a week or something, and put up a bunch of posts about what's happening in my life. But how are you, Joanna, because it's been forever since I heard from you!

Anyway, on my first day back at school, I wrote you a letter. I'm going to post it here so you don't have to wait for it to arrive in the mail. Just as well; I wrote it on totally boring looseleaf and I have nothing to decorate it with anyway.


Dear Joanna;

I am writing this to you while in class, so excuse the boring paper. I'm having a shit first day back in school and I thought you'd want to hear since it's hilarious if it's not happening to you.

So first, let me tell you that I have bad luck on first days all the time.

The first problem was my mom- I set my alarm for 8:55 and then she woke me up at 6:10 in the freaking morning because she thought I had an early class. I couldn't get back to sleep- I was so pissed . It took an hour and I finally fell asleep. Then at 8:42 my mom wakes me up again. I just gave up and got up because those last few minutes were not worth it.

Later, I'm really early to class so I purposely miss my bus and buy lunch. I figure I'll catch the nest bus. What the hell the bus doesn't appear for half an hour! I'm standing in the shade, shivering, and no bus appears. This is probably my fault for wanting to buy food but that kind of punishment is way harsh. I hate waiting- It makes me want to stamp my feet and you know, punch someone. Sorry, I must sound like a violent rageaholic. It's just that when I get frustrated, I need to let it out.... with violence. Haha

Then I was at the administrative office and the system was down. What the hell, why are these systems always down? Those people are so unhelpful, they might as well look pretty, you know? God, what if I end up working one of those jobs?

And the last dumb story for today is my fault- I was looking in this building for room 258... and I was so confused because the rooms went from 201 to 212 and that was it. I walked around the building, and down the same hallway three freaking times. And I even walked out the back entrance, where the snow wasn't shoveled and walked through several inches of snow, back to the front entrance. Finally I check my schedule again and realize the class is in room 209. Like, duh. 258 is for another class.

This was seriously such a dumb moment- I don't know if I was just nervous or dumb. I need to go back to school just to make my brain work again.

Anyway, missing you lots. Only people I actualyl talked to today were unhelpful administrative people. I'm so exhausted, and listening to this professor talk in this loud, high, nasal voice that is giving me a headache.

I really hope this cheered you up (feel free to laugh at the pain I cause myself) because of course I want you to be happy. Also, hope you're not working too hard. Vacation's coming soon in April and I'm not going to Belize, so we have to go shopping again! I'd like to avoid Queens Center (because of the Aerosoles incident) so let's just go have lunch.

Love you ~Wendy