My skin is so oily that all mascaras smudge on me, it's only a matter of time. I nearly gave up on trying any more mascaras...
And then I met my one true, almost-HG mascara:
L'Oreal Beauty Tubes
Want to know how much I loved this? After trying it out for a few days, I went back and bought TWO back-ups. It was love.
This stuff has not ever smudged on me. I've worn it for over twelve hours and it's still making my lashes look awesome. The secret is the tubing technology- It forms a black plastic-like coating that covers your lashes. This makes your lashes feel kind of heavy, but I LOVE it, makes me feel like I'm wearing false lashes.
But the part that makes the lazy girl in me happiest is the fact that it comes off with just water. Yep. Simple warm water makes the tubes slide off your lashes in less than a minute. This is amazing for my sensitive eyes that get so red after rubbing off stubborn mascara.
So why isn't it my HG? Well, this amazing mascara comes with cons. Really big cons.
1. It flakes. I get about 8-12 hours wear before it starts to flake a little. Not enough to bother me, but still. I've noticed that it flakes more when I put too many coats.
2. It kills your curl. Whether I use the primer or not, my lashes go back to being stick-straight. Other mascaras are much better at keeping my curl, but they smudge on me, so the choice is still a no brainer for me.
3. You won't get much length/volume with this mascara. It makes a natural, everyday look- my lashes definitely look longer and fuller, but it's not a dramatic change.
4. There is a definite learning curve with this mascara. It can get clumpy really fast. You have to play around with it- Use the primer, skip the primer, wait for primer to dry before using black side, use black side immediately, do one eye at a time, do both eyes, etc.
5. The packaging is really bulky and stupid. It would be better if it were in two separate tubes.
After some trial and error, I found this works best for me:
-first curl lashes
-use white side on both eyes, try to use as little as possible, mostly at the base of lashes
-quickly swipe black side on top of primer, work fast. Once this dries you can't add more coats
-look down for about 20 seconds so it can dry
*I worried that sweat would also make my mascara come off, but no worries. Sometimes I'm still wearing my mascara when I excercise. I get very sweaty, sweat drips down onto my eyes, but it doesn't budge the mascara. I think it's because I didn't rub my eyes, and the sweat is very little water. No idea what happens when you cry or get caught in the rain or go swimming? Haha
Bottom line is I still love this mascara, it's the cheapest tubing mascara out there, and it would be too expensive to replace a $30 blinc or trish mcevoy mascara every 3-6 months. I would definitely repurchase and recommend this mascara to others with oily skin. If you have no problem with oily skin, then you lucky, lucky... bird. Haha Try something more dramatic.